Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Here is a box that I made recently that I'm only sort of proud of. It has aesthetic elements that alone I like, but together make for a bit of a cluttered and odd look. This is the first time that I've attempted hand cut dovetails and though they aren't perfect, I am fairly pleased with the results. The hinge is a shell from a .223 caliber that I found while hiking. I drilled a hole in it and drove a small brass nail through the top as a stop so that the lid just pivots off of the shell and cannot be pulled off.

Fall tends to bring out the creative and industrious in me. Unfortunately it also brings out the instinctual urge to eat entire platters of pasta and then nap for twenty odd hours. These conflicting desires usually result in me waking up at odd hours full of energy and artistic thought. Because of my close proximity to sleeping neighbors however the resulting manifest is endless Netflix instant play and more pasta. ACK! I sound like a damn Kathy comic.

1 comment:

W.E. said...

You might want to put a latch on the corner opposite the shell casing hinge. Otherwise that casing is subject to a lot of torque when you lift it by the handle.